Thursday, October 2, 2014

Wedding Makeup

My day with the genius that is Tracey Rappaport.

I had the privilege of following my friend, fellow makeup artist, and blog co-contributor Tracey around last week while she did the bridal party's makeup for my dear friend Heather's wedding.

Right away I was learning new things.  Nothing excites me more.  Here are some highlights and must-haves for your kit:


Tracey started with Marie.  Marie doesn't need makeup.  Something about putting makeup on people like her makes the task more challenging and exciting; she has naturally strong, beautiful features that you don't want to overwhelm or distract from with spackle, but you do want to be able to deliver that fresh, finished look. The hardest thing to do in makeup is to create the illusion that you're not wearing any.  Take it from someone who has learned the hard way!


I looked over at Marie and immediately noticed how dewy her skin looked.  As you know by now, I love a dewy finish!  Tracey introduced me to this phenomenal new foundation palette that is made specifically for HD cameras - Cinema Secrets 5-in-1 Pro Palette ($28,  This was our best friend in front of the camera.


One of the bonuses about this palette is that it can multitask as a tool for contouring.  I watched Tracey use the darker shades to contour under our cheekbones with a foundation brush.  Brilliant!


Tracey blew me away next with the drugstore favorite Brow Fix by Milani ($10,  I couldn't believe the texture and potency of this stuff  - I love when a little bit goes a long way. This palette is foolproof  - the purpose of each color is spelled out for you, literally.  You can even apply with the adorable little tools that come with it.


The best blush I've come across so far, especially for a wedding, goes to Lorac's Soul.  This is sold out on Lorac's website (which goes to show you how spectacular it is) and I can't find it on any other trustworthy sites online - if you find it, please leave a comment!  Anyway, Soul is a magical harmony of bronzer and blush.  It's so easy to misuse bronzer as blush and blush as bronzer. While I am a fan of finding new uses for things, this is generally not one of them. Miraculously, Soul makes it work.

Wallah! A perfect wedding look.  #nofilter

A very, very special thank you to Tracey for letting me annoy her all day for the purposes of this blog. Can't wait to do it again!

Another special thank you to Heather for letting me make a few minutes in her special day about me.

To book an appointment with Tracey, click here.
To check out Tracey's website, click here.


  1. Thank you so much for the wonderful post, Emily! All the natual beauty in the wedding party made my job VERY easy! Also, here is a link to where you can buy Lorac "soul" blush:,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.76477589,d.aWw&ion=1&biw=2133&bih=1146&tch=1&ech=1&psi=BJUtVODaKcS0yASyjIHwBw.1412273413189.3&sa=X&ei=CpUtVMfcB4P3yQSkqICYCA&ved=0CMsBELok
