This post is for my family and friends that have reached out to congratulate, encourage, and share the love of this blog with me. Even though this is only the very beginning of my blogging journey, I feel the need to thank you and let you know that I owe any success of this blog to you.
Success? What success? The fact that this blog exists and that I have (sort of) overcome my fear of sharing my opinion with the world is success enough for me. The fact that a few people like it and a couple hundred have clicked on it is an added bonus.
I need to thank my sisters Lauren, Kristen, and Nicole for being my biggest cheerleaders. Thank you for making me feel as though I am an authority of some sort, even though I'm the baby and I don't have any authority whatsoever in our family hierarchy. Thank you for faithfully sharing my posts and reminding me that you're proud of me and you believe in me. It's easy to lose sight of those things even though they are the most important.
Thank you to my friends, old and new. To those who knew that this blog is a real representation of who I am and to those who are pleasantly surprised that this side of me exists. Your response has been overwhelming and motivating beyond belief.
And to my husband Jeremy, who has absolutely no interest whatsoever in the things I have been blogging about as of late, yet continues to read, share, and support this thing. You are my best friend (I'm not just saying that because you're my husband - there is no one I would rather watch movies, veg out, and giggle with) and I love you.
Maybe this is premature or maybe this is too late - I don't know, and I don't care. My timing with these things has historically sucked. What matters is that my gratitude and appreciation exist in time and space and this post will live in the infinity that we know and love as the Internet.
With that, lets get gorgeous!
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